Preparing jam is an easy way to store vegetables and fruits for a long time. Mixed fruit jam is a yummy jam recipe that can be easily prepared at home rather than buying it from the market. Some colourants and additives are sometimes used in this easy jam recipe. You can also use this mixed fruit jam for bread spreads as well as toppings on cakes and rolls.
Mixed fruit jam is one of the most popular mixed fruit recipes. Use fresh fruits whole for this jam recipe. You can use fruits of your choice for this easy jam recipe. But in this jam recipe we will be using apple, papaya, grapes, banana and pineapple for making a mixed fruit jam. Different kinds of berries like blackberry or strawberry may also be used for making this mixed fruit jam. Include this mixed fruit jam in your child's diet and see how it makes him/ her happy.
Serves: 8-10
Preparation Time: 1 hour
Apples- 5-6
Papaya- 1
Grapes- 1 kg
Banana- 3
Pineapple- 1 (small)
Lemon Juice- 1 ½tsp
Citric Acid- 6-7tsp
Sugar- 1- 1½ kg
Salt- To taste
Peel off the pineapple and papaya skin and make small pieces. Chop the apple (without) peeling to pieces.
Bring the apple, papaya, grapes and pineapple pieces to a boil in a deep bottomed frying pan over a gas oven.
Now peel off the apple skin. De-seed all the fruits.
Transfer the grapes, lemon juice, boiled apple, papaya, grapes, banana and pineapple in a mixer. Blend until a fine pulp is formed of all the fruits.
Now take another deep bottomed frying pan over a gas oven and pour the mixed fruit pulp into it.
Add sugar and salt to it and keep stirring on a low flame until it thickens.
Now add the citric acid to it and again keep stirring for 1-2 minutes over a low flame.
Take some of the contents of the pan on a plate using a spatula.
See if the paste flows off like a liquid. If not then your jam is ready.
Immediately pour it into air tight glass containers. Let it cool to room temperature and then refrigerate.
Serve this mixed fruit jam with bread or chappatis.
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